The Big Small Show at Drawing Rooms in Jersey City, NJ

I am pleased to have an array of porcelain barnacles and several new egg tempera/encaustic works included in this wonderful show at the Drawing Rooms.  I will be participating in a "Meet the Artists" event Sunday, January 25th from 3-5p - if you are in the area please stop by!

photo by Dasha Bazanova

Drawing Rooms: 180 Grand Street, Jersey City, NY

Ceramic show opens tonight in Bushwick, NY

I am excited to be included in the new Space 776 ceramic show opening tonight, (11.7.14) in Bushwick, NY. I have installed clusters of porcelain sculptures in the nooks and crannies throughout the gallery’s two floors. It will be a big group show with wonderful works by Dasha Bazanova, Dan Chrisofel, Megan Sirianni Brand, Frank Olt, Eric Lawrence, Peter Goldwater, James Prez, Chris Vivas, Justin Mayer and Rachael Gorchov. Please stop by if you can -- the opening starts at 7pm, (I will be there then) until 11:00 at 776 Hart Street in Bushwick. Hope to see you there!

Thank you to Dasha Bazanova and Jourdain Jongwon Lee for including me in the show.



Over the next several months I will be putting together a series of one person and group shows in the window at 1 Main Street, "MAIN WINDOW" in DUMBO, Brooklyn. Pinkney Herbert is the 1st artist to show his wonderful new work made while in residence at the Marie Walsh Sharpe Art Foundation in Brooklyn.  


The show is up now through October 30th - if you are in the area please stop by and check it out.


I am excited to be included in the inaugural show, eXergY, at LABspsace in Great Barrington, MA - opening Friday, May 2nd from 6 -8p - if you are in the area I hope you will stop by!

LABspace 177 Main Street Great Barrington, MA 01230

Pins and Needles

I am pleased to be included in, Pins and Needles, a group exhibition curated by Suzan Shutan at the Housatonic Museum of Art in Bridgeport, CT. The show opens to the public Tuesday, January 21st with an opening reception Thursday, February 6th from 5 -7p.  The show will be on view through February 20th, 2014.


Artists included in this unique exhibition are: Kim Bruce, Janice Caswell, Valerie Hallier, Tamiko Kawata, Karen Shaw, Belle Shafir, Suzan Shutan, Jill Vasileff and Erwina Ziomkowska

Upcoming show at Muriel Guepin Gallery in NYC


I am very excited about my upcoming show, “New Nature” at Muriel Guepin Gallery in Manhattan, where I will be showing my latest sculptures & drawings. The opening is on Sunday, September 8th and it runs through October 20th.  Also in the gallery is an exhibition of Joan Lurie’s beautiful porcelain sculptures entitled, “Vessels Oblique”.There will be a reception Sunday, September 8th, from 6 to 8pm.  The gallery is located at 83 Orchard Street in the Lower East Side.  

Merry Go Round - summer group show at Muriel Guepin Gallery, NYC

I am pleased to be included in “Merry Go Round” with this great group of artists at Muriel Guepin Gallery, open now through August 11th.  If you are in the city, I hope you will have a chance to stop in to see the show.

The gallery is located at 83 Orchard Street in the Lower East Side in Manhattan and will be open Wednesday through Sunday from 12n to 6pm.


This new exhibition examines many of the ways in which artists use dots or circles as the dominant elements in creating abstract imagery. 

Artists included in the show are: Gabriel Barcia-Colombo, Beth Dary, Elizabeth Duffy, Treasure Frey, Pauline Galiana, Arpie Gennetian Najarian, Abby Goldstein, Michiyo Ihara, Joanie Lemercier, Joan Lurie, James Minden, Viviane Rombaldi Seppey, Taney Roniger, Katia Santibanez and Melissa Zexter.

"Connecting The Dots" exhibition at the ISE Cultural Foundation in Manhattan


I am excited to be included in “Connecting The Dots”, at the ISE Cultural Foundation in Manhattan.  I will be showing handmade porcelain “barnacles” in a 15’ array that echoes the contour of the East River and local waterways in and around the Brooklyn waterfront where I live.  This is the latest installment of "Emersion", an ongoing series of installations that focus on rising sea levels in the era of global warming.

Please join me at the opening Friday, June 7th from 6 to 8pm if you can. The gallery is located at 555 Broadway, (Prince St. & Spring St.) NY, NY.

Artists: Mira Alibek, Beth Dary, Amanda C. Small, and Margaret Withers

Connections can be physical, sentimental, metaphorical or technological. The phrase "Connecting the dots" is often used as a way to illustrate the ability to associate one idea with another, to find the "bigger picture" so to speak. A source of constant discussion and debate in the Art World, what is the connection of the artist to the material/concept, to the venue? We are obsessed with what ties one to another, be it object, thought, material or idea. In Connecting the Dots... four female artists will be exhibiting work in various mediums which artistic and creative uses of the dot/sphere/orb or circle are used both physically and conceptually in their work. 

The exhibition consists of two installations, two drawings and two mixed media paintings. Each artist has a personal connection to process, concept and idea. The artists touch on wide ranging topics that reflect upon their various backgrounds and experiences, but in all, not only do they use the shape of the dot or sphere in their work, but they allude to the unending anticipation of what is to come next. They tell a story that is not yet complete, where some of the tale is yet to be told.  

Dots themselves when in multiples lead us to another place. They hang in the balance of expectation, anticipation and a feeling of "to be continued" or unending vastness. Yet they also tell us "we are here" mark the end of a sentence and pin-point us down to our coordinates. In this exhibition, the work highlights the open-ended process of creation and the interconnectedness of artists whose work at first glance is quite different, but when brought together connect the dots...

ISE Cultural Foundation, 555 Broadway, (Prince St. & Spring St.), New York, NY 10012

New installation of barnacles at the Westchester Community College Gallery in Valhalla, NY

I am excited to be included in Materiality, a group exhibition curated by Kenise Barnes at the Art Gallery at Westchester Community College in Valhalla, NY. 

I will be showing handmade porcelain “barnacles” in a 20’ array that echoes the contour of the Hudson River and local waterways in and around Westchester.  This is the next installment of Emersion, an ongoing series of installations that focus on rising sea levels in the era of global warming.The opening is Thursday, February 14th from 4pm to 6pm.  The show will be on view through March 23rd. If you are in the area, please stop by!


Interplay in the New York Times


Image and installation by Beth Dary and Sarah Lutz / Photo by Pam Solo — Interplay is a collaborative residency at Miranda Arts Project Space in Port Chester, NY with fellow artist Sarah Lutz.

A big thank you to founder and director, Patricia Miranda for this wonderful opportunity — we are all very excited!

Miami Project Art Fair


For the week of December 4th though the 9th I will have an installation of porcelain "barnacles", glass "bubbles", pin sculptures, (I have been told they look like nonpareils) and a series of double layered egg tempera and wax drawings with Muriel Guepin Gallery at the Miami Project Art Fair, booth #715.